Summer Institute

Understanding Commercial Determinants of Public Health

The goal of this course is to explore the relatively new concept of commercial determinants of health, their drivers and channels and focus on conceptual understanding and frameworks for  commercial determinants as key to improving public health. The course will review and discuss three specific commercial products/industries to demonstrate the application of the framework as a challenge to achieving SDGs. It will also provide an explanatory narrative around how such commercial interests take advantage of multi-sectoral action for health.

Responsible Conduct of Research 

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is a one week seminar course introducing key topics in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) and is designed to develop and strengthen ethical problem-solving skills and to foster sensitivity to ethical issues in the conduct of research. The main goal of this course is to increase participants’ awareness about responsible conduct of research including strategies for preventing irresponsible research practices inclusive of unacceptable research practices as well as research misconduct.  The RCR Course is suitable for any person involved in research, ranging from established faculty, IRB members, graduate students, research staff and any other individuals with an interest in science.  Particular emphasis is given to the educational needs of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.  The RCR course meets the requirement for individuals engaged in NIH and NSF funded research and focuses on a conceptual understanding of responsible conduct of research as key to human and societal development.  All participants receive a certificate of completion.

Ethics in Public Health Practice and Policy

The main goal of this course is to increase participants’ awareness about ethical issues in public health policy and practice. The course provides training on the basics of public health ethics and the process of ethical analysis and describes tools and resources for addressing ethical challenges that commonly arise in the practice of public health.

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